Widening the Circle of Concern:
We Are Starting A New Study Group
From the UUA:
"Appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations in 2017, the UUA Commission on Institutional Change served through June 2020. WIDENING THE CIRCLE OF CONCERN: REPORT OF THE UUA COMMISSION ON INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE represents the culmination of the Commission’s work analyzing structural and systemic racism and white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism and makes recommendations to advance long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism."
Here at UUCOC, a number of us have committed to meeting on Zoom for one hour each week, Sunday evenings @ 7:00 pm, to study and learn from this essential material. Outside reading is not required. We listen to the audio recording of the REPORT and discuss what we've heard, with a particular focus on knowing better to do better within our own congregation. Please contact Sherri Randall at
There is also an optional Widening the Circle work group session each week, Sunday evenings @ 6:00pm, in which past and present members of the study group meet to rub virtual elbows as we tackle various action items recommended by or stemming from this material. We look forward to continuing this important, exciting and spiritually rich work with you; please contact Sherri to register!.