About Us
Ours is not a Sundays Only Church.
We seek to build a community where what you believe is less important than how your beliefs guide and inform your participation in the world. Ours is a community that values the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. To honor our religious community, we work to strengthen our families, our futures, and the lives of all we touch—with love, respect and service.
To gather in sanctuary where we are free to pursue our own unique and individual spiritual journeys in an atmosphere of tolerance, compassion, and celebration.
We seek to build a community that honors our aspirations and imaginations. We do this through covenant groups that afford us the opportunity to explore the transcendent mystery of our universe.
We do this through service groups that bring support and sustenance to those at risk.
We do this by creating a safe haven for children to develop their own ethical and moral compasses.
We do this through social groups that bring us together to enjoy each others’ company. And we do this through our worship services where ‘free inquiry’ is absolute.
Ours is a religious community where we are free to invest the very best of ourselves and partner to create a better world. If this type of community speaks to your heart, you would be a valuable addition to our family. Come share your talents, come share your story, come share this journey.
We've also tried to sum up what we are about like this.
Here is information on our upcoming Sunday Service:
February 16th T.B.A. Please join us in person in our Sanctuary, or online: https://tinyURL.com/UUCOC-Sunday Meeting ID: 680 982 805 Or you can dial in: Our services are also available on:
Questions? Please visit our F.A.Q.s:
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