Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop Presentation
Here is the 30-minute presentation made by Renée Brill at the Fall Parish Meeting on October 22nd regarding the planned D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Workshop.
A transcript of the follow-up discussion (Q&A) from the Fall Parish Meeting is also available for your review below the video.
Myths & Facts about the WCOC & D.E.I. project at UUCOC:
There have been a number of bits of misinformation circulating about the WCOC project at UUCOC. Attemptiing to keep everyone informed, here are a few of the Myths and Facts about the WOCOC work at UU of Oakcliff:
Myth - The Widening of the Circle of Concern (WOCOC) is causing everybody to fight amongst each other.
Fact - Everybody who shows up in person each week, listens to the teachings, and shares ideas with each other are enjoying each other's company each week.
Myth - They are teaching people that all White people are bad.
Fact - The teachings point out the characteristics of systemic racism that prevail through the ideas of White Supremacy in our culture.
Myth - They keep stressing that we are different and categorizing us, which causes problems.
Fact - The teachings help us understand, appreciate, and honor people's different experiences and perspectives. It creates a deeper respect and openness towards everyone; particularly those who have different life experiences.
And finally, the Myth that if accepted by our congregation at the meeting on December 3rd, the next step in the D.E.I. workshop project will make it mandatory for all current and future chuch members to attend this workshop.
Fact - As was mentioned by UUCOC VP/Secretary Sarah Ricke in a recent Talk-Back post on Facebook, the meeting on Sunday has absolutely nothing to do with making anything "mandatory." Zero. Zilch. Nada. Bupkis even! The motion presented by the WCOC Work Group asks ONLY that the voting members of the congregation green-light the plan of inviting people to participate in our D.E.I. Workshop and provide feedback about how that goes.
Why? Because as Sarah said: "The goal is to grow our knowledge and abilities as a church."
You can view or download a PDF of the Q&A that followed the video presentation at the Pairsh meeting: