Social Justice and Social Action Efforts
of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff

"Love is the doctrine of this church and service is its prayer."
We do not currently have a separate social justice ministry as we are working to integrate the programs into the our larger church mission. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.
At the very core of its existence, Social Justice is about love. It is the call to recognize the intrisic value of every individual, regardless of race, creed, ability or sexual orientation. According to the UUA, there are five types of Social Justice.
Service: providing for the needs of those in distress.
Education: The purpose of social education is to educate people about the importance of a social issue. The goal is to inform people about the aspects of the issues and also interpret the issue within the context of liberal religious values. Education will include workshops, worship services, drama, and similar activities.
Witness: The purpose of social witness is to make public by word or deed the convictions of an individual or organization regarding a particular issue. Examples of witness may include public testimony on an issue, demonstrations or letter writing campaigns.
Advocacy: The purpose of advocacy is to work through the legislative process to impact public policy. Advocacy includes writing letters to district representatives or visiting them in their offices, as well as public testimony.
Community Organizing: The purpose of community organizing is to participate in the process by which decisions are made in places of power. The focus is on the power of institutional structures and how that power is used. This approach is based on the recognition that individuals have little power to change their situations without the support of groups who know how to organize and influence power.
Some of the previous projects we have worked on in the past include:
UUCOC Share the Plate
Oak Cliff Churches for Emergency Aid
Dallas Area Interfaith
Congregational Social Justice Resolutions
Green Sanctuary
School of the Americas Watch
It Gets Better Project
You can see details here:
Previous Projects