Religious Exploration at the UUCOC
We currently are offering Religious Exploration for Adults of ALL Agesonline and in person on Sundays at 11:15am.
Adult Religious Exploration - Sundays - 11:15 am, with Sarah Ricke
In the Hope Library & on Zoom at
We are not currently offering youth religious exploration programs, but if you are interested in either adult or youth RE, please send word to for more information.
Additional Information:
Adult RE Classes:
The Adult Religious Exploration Program of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff is dedicated to providing our adult members with opportunities to expand their knowledge of Unitarian Universalist faith and history, world religions, and social and political issues. We’re committed to providing a safe and loving community and helping each other on our spiritual journeys and growth as individuals.
UUCOC’s Adult Religious Education class is currently exploring Famous UUs in History.
Our Adult RE prgram is currently meeting weekly online on Zoom and in person, on Sundays at 11:15 AM central time.
You can find more information posted on our Facebook Group Page:
You can also sign up for our weekly eNews to receive updates on our RE programs: