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"We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, facilitate individual spiritual growth, and manifest our shared values through action with the greater community."

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Shambhala Day Celebration
Sunday, February 10, 2019
01:00pm : 04:00pm
Shambhala will be hosting a Shambhala Day celebration that celebrates the Asian New Year. This year, Shambhala Day falls on Tuesday, 2/5. However, for attendance reasons, our party this year will be held on: Sunday, 2/10,
The Shambhala community would like to invite everyone to join us, as we begin a new year with fun, food and festivities. 
Food and drink will be served, but if anyone would like to contribute snacks, sweets, drinks or games, please feel free. This is a time of sharing and fun, spending time with friends and family.
We will be toasting in the new year, and looking forward to this year with our UU neighbors!


UUCOC: Charity Building

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