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"We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, facilitate individual spiritual growth, and manifest our shared values through action with the greater community."

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A Celebration of LIfe for Trenton Ladler
Sunday, April 07, 2019
02:00pm :
Trenton Ladler
February 18, 1989 - March 3, 2019

Friends, please join us for a Celebration of LIfe!
2pm, Sunday, April 7, 2019

trenton 600

From Trenton's honorary sister, Melissa Bartell:
"While it is true that memorial services are FOR those of us who are left behind they should be ABOUT the person we are remembering. Trenton was on a personal mission to make his loved ones smile. He would not have wanted us to dwell in sadness. He loved games and fandom and all things geeky, and we think the best way to celebrate him is to celebrate the things he loved. Let's come together for an afternoon of remembrance. Dress in whatever lever of fandom gear or pride wear suits your comfort level, from normal clothing with a button or pin, to full on cosplay or drag!"

We are thinking food, stories, games, and music. Want to help? Contact (preferably via text message) Kathy Grey at 214-662-1091 or Melissa Bartell at 214-543-5889 — or see Kathy at church.


UUCOC: Faith Building
3839 W. Kiest Blvd.
Dallas Tx 75233

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