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"We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, facilitate individual spiritual growth, and manifest our shared values through action with the greater community."

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Water Balloon Extravaganza
Sunday, September 08, 2019
12:30pm :

Our water communion Sunday has been expanded! After the service, there will be a potluck lunch followed by a series of water balloon sports on the church grounds. There will be a two-person water balloon toss, a three-person water balloon slingshot competition, and to finish out the day, a water balloon free-for-all for everyone. Be sure to wear clothing you don’t mind getting wet and something to protect your feet, as you run around the church woods finding cachets of water balloon to throw during the free-for-all. 

A “Water Balloon Free Zone” will be provided for those who wish to observe but not participate.

You can be of help in preparing for our Water Sunday. We will need volunteers to manage the potluck, people who can loan us clean 10 gal. plastic buckets to hold water balloons, and at least 10 people to help fill over 1000 water balloons. Everyone participating will also be expected to help in cleaning up afterwards.

If you would like to be a part of this fun celebration, contact Robertus van der Wege and register to volunteer.


UUCOC: Church Grounds
3839 W. Kiest Blvd.
Dallas Tx 75233

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